• Swiss Business Directory Poland 2025/2026

    Swiss Business Directory is a catalogue of member companies of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and a showcase of Swiss business in Poland

  • Advertisement offer

    Advertising in the Swiss Business Directory only until September 1, 2024, available at special prices!

  • Swiss Business Directory Poland 2025/2026 - non-member companies

    Swiss Business Directory is a catalogue of member companies and other Swiss companies not affiliated with the Chamber - offer for non-member companies


Swiss Business Directory 2025/2026

Swiss Business Directory is a catalogue of Swiss and member companies of the Chamber. The catalogue is published every two years and includes texts contributed by the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Business Hub Central Europe. Swiss Business Directory Poland is highly appreciated and builds the image of Swiss companies on the Polish market.

An advertisement of your company can be inserted on any page of the Swiss Business Directory chosen by you. All covers and full pages are at your disposal. We have prepared extra copies of the catalogue for our advertisers.

Printing: 700 copies
Area: Poland, Switzerland
Language: Polish, English / German
Volume ca. 300 pages
Publisher: Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (www.swisschamber.pl)
Contact: Michał Muszyński
email: mm@swisschamber.pl
tel. +48 (22) 322 76 25
mob. +48 666 837 373


Price List

For members of Swisschamber Poland

Advertisements offer is valid until 1st September 2024 offer is valid from 2nd September 2024
Catalogue entry 0 zł 0 zł
1 page 1 400 zł 1 400 zł
2 pages 2 100 zł 2 100 zł
2nd cover 4 900 zł 5 500 zł
3rd cover 4 900 zł 5 500 zł
4th cover 8 900 zł 9 400 zł


For non-member companies

Catalogue entry 1 700 zł
1 page 2 100 zł
2 pages 3 000 zł

the above prices are in PLN and net

The advertisement will be available not only offline, but also online on our website.

Advertisement will be also on Chamber’s website

Every advertisement will be shown in the member company info on our website – example below:


  • Catalogue entry

    Standard presentation of the company; your contractors will learn about your profile & basic offer and will find contact details to your company. In this option, you cannot select the left or right side of a spread.

  • 1 page

    Advertising on the right side of the spread, the perfect complement to a standard entry. Better visibility and a perfect completion of the catalogue entry. In this option, the entry is always on the left and the ad is on the right on the spread.

  • 2 pages

    Advertisement on the left and right side inside the catalogue. Strong image effect – It is impossible to miss it.


  • 2nd cover

    Full-page ad on the second cover. Guaranteed visibility every time you open the catalogue.

    Status: AVAILABLE

  • 3rd cover

    Full-page ad on the third cover. The perfect place for an ad, who doesn’t check what’s at the end?

    status: AVAILABLE

  • 4th cover

    Full-page ad on the last cover of the catalogue. Guaranteed excellent visibility of the advertisement until the end of 2026.

    status: BOOKED

  • Let us prepare your advertisement

    Let us know what goals you set for the advertisement, we will prepare the creation for your brand.
    Contact: mm@swisschamber.pl


technical conditions of advertisements

Ads will be accepted only in electronic form, saved as CMYK composite files in * .eps * .ps * .pdf formats

All the colors used in the work should be defined in the CMYK standard (not RGB, Lab, Pantone or other).
Raster graphics (e.g. photos) CMYK only, resolution 300 dpi. Files cannot contain additional alpha channels, active selections, clipping paths, additional layers, floaters, objects. All figures provided are for actual (1: 1) sizes of ads or images.
All texts in the work should be converted into curves.
Thin lines and texts written with a font smaller than 8 points should be made in one or two triad colors (CMYK) in full saturation.
Important elements of the advertisement (text, logo) must be moved away from the cutting line at least 8 mm.

It is recommended to send a color proof print – analog or digital – to the address of the Studio. Only a correctly made proof enables correct printing.
The advertiser may resign from the color proof, however, it is associated with the possibility of slight color distortions in the printing process, for which the Studio is not responsible.
Please send your advertisements, for example, using the wetransfer.com website to the address Agnieszka.Krawczynska@efectoro.pl

Please send color proofs to the following address:
Rafał Cwenk H2H
al. Jana Pawła II 27
00-867 Warsaw

For technical matters, please contact:
Rafał Cwenk, mobile: +48 660 118 118